Services and Prices
If you would like to schedule an appointment with Ed Cleveland please email or call with the availability, times and dates, that work best for you and he will return your message as soon as possible to set up an appointment.
Reiki Healing – 1 Hour Session
Holographic Sound – 1/2 Hour Session
Monochord Healing – 1/2 Hour Session
Gong Journey – 1/2 Hour Session
30 min | $100
60 min | $139
30 min | $100
30 min | $100
30 min | $100
For Booking Appointments, Events, and Classes
If you would like to schedule an appointment with Ed Cleveland please email or call with the availability, times and dates, that work best for you and he will return your message as soon as possible to set up an appointment.
For event booking or information on workshops/trainings/classes please call or email. Ed is also available to book classes per request in person or online.
"Just this morning, Ed did a sound healing for me and Joann Moore in our home. It was one of the most peaceful, and productive sessions ever! If you have not had this experience yet, please give Ed Cleveland a call and perhaps schedule your own healing with him...AMAZING!!"
Joseph FireCrow
Contact: (860) 681-3981
Photography & Graphic Design by Diego Bernard